Pastel Irontree
Do You Love Your Data? What would you do without your data?
100% secure online backup, a simple registration process, simple installation, affordable pricing and secure hosting.
Did you know that 20% of business’s WILL lose some data AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 12 MONTHS?
The main causes of data loss include:
- Corruption
- Virus Infection
- Hardware failure
- Theft
- Natural disasters – fire, flood etc.
Why you should love your data:
- A record of business activity
- A source of business intelligence
- Good corporate governance
- Large cost of re-instating lost data in time, money, lost revenue and frustration
The sad truth about existing backup routines at most SME type businesses
- 90% have backup systems in place
- 80% of backups are ineffective and CANNOT be restored when most needed!
- 10% have a disaster recovery plan in place to ensure business continuity
IronTree is a simple, secure, supported online offsite data backup solution that ensures:
- Failsafe frequent data backups
- Secure, protected & compliant
- Restorable anytime, anywhere
- No more lost data!
IronTree ensures that:
- Fully automated daily backups are processed with absolutely NO human intervention required!
- Data can be restored to any point in the past 60 days
- Data can be restored to any PC, anywhere in the world, at any time
- Backups are processed even if software programs / files are open and in use
- All backup data is securely encrypted and password protected
- Backups are incremental, thus bandwidth usage is insignificant
- Any data can be backed up, not only Pastel data
- Affordable and easy to install and configure
IronTree is a FULLY MANAGED Solution!
- We assist with installation
- We assist with configuration
- We monitor the status of your backups
- We alert you if your backup fails or is out-of-date
- We can assist with data restoration